Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Making Progress

Few people are prepared to turn out on windy Saturday mornings. Even fewer are prepared to climb ladders and use power tools in the pursuit of music.
Radio Heartbeat would like to thank Garry Hoffman - an aerial specialist from Motherwell - who came out to do just that and help us to get our new Repeater unit up and running. Garry worked very hard with our man John.
We are not on air yet but that's not Garry's fault - he was super - and we will get there shortly.
Thanks to all who turned out to help, bring food, calm our John and provide the laughter and good humour Radio Heartbeat is good at.
Being a volunteer is not easy - keeping your balance is not easy - keeping a sense of perspective when things go wrong is not easy. We just do our best and when we get it wrong we try to make it right. We are working on the Repeater and ourselves all the time.
We'll be back on air just as soon as we can. We will be talking to you!

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