Thursday, 8 February 2007

Andy's Going Mad

For ten weeks now our poor Andy has been going mad trying to organise all the music on the playout system. He has colour-coded, updated, moved, shuffled and loaded all the music so that presenters can have everything just right.

He is tired. He is cross-eyed. He is going slightly loopy. He is greying fast. Even Bella the dog has a drooping tail.

Help is needed.

Can you spare an hour or two to rescue this man from early dementia.

Can you help him with the workload of organising a completely new playout system.

Go on - you know you want to!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the poor man is having a hard time. And he is doing this for nothing?

I take my hat off to you all!

kevtheref said...

Having done this at HRP I can appreciate what he is feeling like. Good on you Andy, now just go back and make sure oyou have spelt all the track names correctly :O)